Thursday, June 7, 2007

Can you show me the way to the head?
By Mikel K

I remember when people used to tell me what a great guy Michael Moore was, how he was out for the little man. Bullshit, I thought to

myself, and you know what; Moore has proven me correct. He is a grandstander and a hypocrite. If he "represents" the left, then the left is fucked. The world is in sad, sad shape when it comes to leaders. Bono seems to get a headline with every leadership type thing that he does. I've never liked the music of U2 and I wouldn't follow Bono anywhere. It is the guys and girls who don't want to lead me, who interest me. By minding their own business and doing the next right thing, they wind up doing what is good for me. Leaders are out for themselves, that's why they want to lead. "Leading" fills their ego and lines their wallets and pocketbooks.

Can you show me the way to the head?

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