Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday, March 30, 2007

At first, I was irritated that it was raining,
this morning. The dogs and I were ready
for a walk. I had an umbrella, but they did

Then I realized that the rain would save me
from going to the car wash this evening, as
I had planned. The pollen was thick on my
vehicle. It was a new car, but it looked old
with all the yellow dust covering it.

I grabbed an umbrella from inside the car,
which is where I keep the umbrellas, and
the two dogs and I did a short walk to
the end of the street. The many trees that line
our street mostly kept the rain off of us.

The older dog was not in a mood for a long
walk. He made it clear, when we got to the
end of the street that he wanted to go back.
This old and wise dog knows that, often,
there is a bisuit waiting to be tossed to him
at the end of his walks. Perhaps this clouds his
perceptions or maybe it makes his goals clearer.

The goal of this old dog is to get back to the house
and get his biscuit.

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