Friday, March 23, 2007

John Edwards has lost me. He strikes me as a bit of a weasal, which would, I presume, account for his past success as a trial lawyer. He paraded his cancer-stricken wife in front of the cameras, yesterday; anything to get a vote it would appear. This would be a private time for me. Wouldn't this be a private time for you?

Edwards really lost me when he went down to New Orleans to announce that he would run for president in 2008. Aren't there plenty of poor folks in his home state of North Carolina? New Orleans is the big cause celebre. What did Edwards actually do when he got to New Orleans to announce his run for president, besides use it as a backdrop for his televisions appearances? What is he doing for New Orleans now? What is he doing for anybody, besides trying to get John Edwards elected?

A few years ago, John Edwards seemed like he might be a good candidate. Funny how some people look better the more you look at them and some don t. John Edwards doesn't.

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