Monday, April 9, 2007

How can a broke man promise his daughter a pony for making good grades?

Today was an average day; a normal day. I slept late, wrote some incredible poetry, took a shower and went to pick Scout up from school, because she called me and asked me to; it was too cold, maybe, to ride the bus, today.

I am having internal anger issues, again, though; go figure. I fixate on one person I hate until the next person that I hate comes into mind and the people who are coming into mind are people who I don't hate at all, in fact, most of them I pretty much love. It's sick, and it's not a fun way to spend your time on earth, trust me. I see my therapist, tomorrow, and I definitely need more of the numb me out medication.

I used to think a lot more than I do now, and a lot deeper, and it was really useless because nothing ever came out of the thought but internal anger and depression that sometimes reared its head in ugly public displays of stupidity. Sometimes, when I was hanging around people more, some people would say, "man, you're taking lithium...that's bad dude. I smoke pot."

And I'm thinking, "like, dude, smoke your pot, I tried all that; that didn't work, and this mostly does."

I got a couple of killer pictures of Scout, today, outside the cd store holding up the two cds that I bought her for making the honor roll. She is much more photo friendly, much more willing to stand in front of my camera than is her brother, Graem. I have to use the whine and beg approach with Graem, "oh come on, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeez, give your old father the pleasure, before he dies, of getting a picture or two of you." And even that doesn't work, sometimes. I used to be able to threaten to take the car keys away from him, until we titled it to him and he turned 18.

With Scout, I just tell her that she will get more cds, if I get to take her picture. Har. Har.

The pics have been sent to all the relatives. I'm so very proud that this young lady, who I have the privilege of having a hand in help raise, made the honor roll, this past quarter. Last quarter, she made an F in reading and we all freaked out because that is a lot what Scout is about is READING!!!

Anyway, we have a goal, me and Scout of her getting 3A's and a B, this last quarter of the seventh grade and I have promised her a PONY!! (Sort of.)


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