Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm in Brooklyn at this cool little coffee shop called The Read. Dale W. Miller (www.dalewmiller .com)met me at the Newark airport and we hung out a little bit before Dale had to hook up with his band, Palomar, for their final practice before their cd release party at The Mercury Lounge in the East Village, tomorrow night.

You've heard about this Don Imus thing, where the broadcaster referred to the well-educated, intelligent and hard-working Rutger's girls basketball team as, "nappy headed ho's."
Well, I had a window seat from Atlanta to Newark and the gentleman sitting next to me, of all things, was the Rutges' men's wrestling team coach. Coach said that it was said that such fine young women were so degraded. Imus is an idiot, from what I can tell; I'm surprised it took him this long to expose himself.

The barista, here at The Read, was blow away that I wanted four shots of expresso in my large cappuccino. I told him about The Lazarus that Dennis and Rob server at Java Lords in Atlanta, that has six shots and how when I go into Starbucks, these days, I often ask them for six shots in my Venti cappucciono. Starbucks only coughs up two shots in their large cappuchinos normally.

Famine. War. Rape. Child molestation, and I'm giving you the six shot cappuccino lowdown. The quality of my problems, these days, is excellent. What the fuck have I done for anybody else, recently? I don't have a foundation or scholarships in my name.

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