Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Kobain, my cat, is adjusting slowly to his new home. He seems to really like the garage. Maybe it is because it is cooler in there. Maybe it is because there are more things to crawl under, more things to hide within, more things to explore. Kobain is sniffing just about everything in the garage, and in the house.

He has little interest, so far, in his food.

What I feed him has to be out of reach of the dogs, so I have put his food up on the clothes drier. Several times, since I have brought him here, I have lifted him up onto the washer, which, of course, is right next to the drier, so that he will see and know where his food is. The washer was running, the last time that I lifted him onto it. He gave the situation one look and immediately jumped to the floor. He is having fun with the dogs, sniffing them and following them about, getting sniffed by them.

I hope that when he finally goes or gets outside that he doesn't run off. I have heard that a cat will sometimes do that; run off from a new home that you have brought them to. Do they run off in search of thier old home?

We are a long way from the old home, King Kobain, please don't run off.

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