Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I think that at this point in the election of a president process, I would pick Phil Spector over John Edwards to run our nation. Like Love just said, "at least you know what you are dealing with."

It doesn't surprise me that Rudy Gulliani made millions of dollars since 911. I would have done the same if I could; wouldn't you? At least Rudy is not using poor people as his platform for trying to lead us. I don't think that John Edwards cares anymore about poor people than Rudy does. I think that they both care about the same about poor people, and their primary concern is probably not to be one of them. It is a concern that I share with both men. I think Rudy is more direct, more honest in his approach to trying to get our vote. Edwards is wishy washy and is trying to tell us what he thinks we might want to hear. Fuck that. Have some balls. Show me who you really are and let me base my decision upon that.

Barak Obama's wife must be a super-talented lady; either that or corporations seek to influence elected officials by giving their wives, children, husbands high paying "jobs."(Go figure.)

Just what does "sitting on the board" mean and how many hours a week do you have to put in to pull down over a hundred grand for doing that; while maintaining a fulltime hospital administrator job at a quarter of a million dollars, for a company that sells most of its wares to Walmart, a company that your husband is making a grandstand against, in public, in order to corral votes.

Obama seemed squeaky clean, at first, but of course nobody knew anything about him; turns out that he is just like any other politician. Mick Jagger once sang, "cheating like I don't know how." I'm not saying that I'm any better than Edwards or Gulliani or Obama; I'm just saying that they are cheating like I don't know how and it pisses me off. It's not fair; we're supposed to be all equal.

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