Tuesday, May 22, 2007

There is something about expressing extreme dissatisfaction that makes you not so dissatisfied, anymore. Or is there? There are times that I get so broken that nothing can fix me; not love, not money, not friendship, not sushi. Time takes time and it just takes me time to get through these evil moods. If I could just get up from where I sit and move around a bit, I might feel
better. Sometimes I get stuck in these moods, and I sort of know how to escape from them, but I am paralyzed, as if I am drowning and someone's hand is close by, but somehow out of reach.

I'm bitching really; do you want to hear me bitch? Don't you have bitching of your own to do. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch; we like to, or need to bitch. Bitching makes it somehow better, or, somehow, bearable. Thank God that I don't really have much to bitch about. Now that would be a bitch.

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